martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

Last poooossst, last pooost tooniiiiiight (last dance rhythm)

the last post huh?
That's not fair, In march I was happy to come to the university every thursday to write a blog, because I like to write and even more when I have to do it in English. I think that I write a LOT, when teacher says "150 words" I write 250 xD but it comes naturally, because I also talk a lot. I remember when I watched Peter Pan and he said to Wendy: "como hablas..." (in spanish).
I think it was very fun, because in that way I did see the blogs of my classmates and read their experiences, their stories, and sometimes their feelings.
I think that my writing skills improved a bit, I was a little rusted about English, but with thisI feel fine.
I have another blog where I write what I want to show to the world, but I dont expect to anyone to read it xD I expect that people who read it, could read it just for curiosity, and I don't write very often so...If I want to say something in English, I'll post it here.
ANd there's a lot of things that I would like to write: How do we met our best friend, about the PSU process, about childhood, about animals, about hobbies, about dreams and wonderings, about movies, about family, about lanscapes, WE HAVE A LOT OF THINGS TO SHARE.
But everything haves to come to an end. Andthis is the end of this post, Thanks for reading :3

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

My favourite food

How many times do I have to say that I'm not good at choosing just ONE thing, well, I'll make it by seasons:
WINTER: Ooooh I love to eat potato puree with fish croquettes with dinosaur shape (they're the best!) and before eating that, an asparagus cream *-* Also at winter I love to cook marshmallows and drink hot chocolate. I make all of this things in my home, but I hardly ever eat them because: I never have all the ingredients or there's no time to make all the things i've mentioned. I like dinosaurs with puree because long time ago in a rainy day my mom cooked that for all my sister's friends and for me and my sister (that means: for the family :3)
SUMMER: I had an apricot tree on the yard of my house, and in summer all the apricots finished as juice, so apricot juice with chaufan rice, duchess potatos and ..I forgot what was the 'meat' thing .-. but that miz makes me remind of summer..and that tree, that now is dead because of the termites :(
And something that I love the 365 days of the year is ICE CREAM, I LOVE IT, in fact, yesterday was raining and I bought an ice cream with chocolate and vanilla flavour (and in the other hand an umbrella xD) O ne of the few flavours that I don't like is mint ._. eww, mint is for chewing gum, not for ice creams.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Favourite book


As I always say: when you let me choose between anything, you´re torturing me. I can´t decide which book will I choose, there is: Juan Salvador Gaviota, Nuestras Sombras, The Hunger Games (I really liked them), and I could bore you with the infinity list.Ok, I Choose "Nuestras sombras" written by Marìa Teresa Budge.
I had to read it for the school, on 6th grade.
I think this story happens on the 60's or 70's, In Limache, Valparaiso Region. The story tells what Patricia write in her diary while she is on her puberty, and she's a girl full of joy, energy, imagination, creativity, full of beautiful things as love, But she suddenly is dispatched to an "aunt" house (not a sister of any of her parents, just a friend of them). Aunt Melania is the housewife and she's always in mourning for her brother's death, so she's tottaly opposite to Patricia and naturally it will make that they crash many many times, but Patricia doesn't want to be a problem, and by the other way: why is she there? why her parents let her alone in that melancholy house?

So as I said, I had to read it for the test on the school about the book, and my mom bought it on the street and I did start to read it c: And in that moment I was so very like Patricia, she liked to sing as I, sh liked to run into the gardens, take flowers, climb trees, play with the animals, write a Diary, and aunt Melania disapprove every action she makes, and My classmates were my aunt Melania. Also she had a sister that she called "Perfecta" because she was all the good things in the world, and a very important part of her life, as my sister is for me

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

Dr. Cat!

Today we had to write about a "role model" veterinarian for us, or someone that inspires us to be the best as we could be. And like some of you, I haven't someone in my mind right now...well, I do, but I don't have the required information starting by the photo (I'm talking about my cat's veterinarian, she's the beeeest).
Ok, now I have someone in my mind: Louis J. Camuti, and he's the first cat vet.
there's no photo of him, but I think this painting
 shows him very well.
I love penguins and I also love cats, I would like to heal cats and penguins there any cat in Antartica? or penguin in...yes, there are penguins on the beach. but I like cats and this man Liked them too:
He was born from french immigrants, and they worked all day to survive in the New York of 1893.
And when he was a kid, he suffered of typhoid fever that left him bedridden under he's mother cares all time for anyting he needed. And one day as he was sleeping in the afternoon, he's mom went to a neighbour apartment for a quick visit and inadvertently left a pot of food on the stove (it was On) and naturally started to burn. Back to the Louis bedroom, we can see him and his kitten, and this last one woke up Louis (God knows why) warning him of the dangerous smoke. And that day he decided to dedicate his life for cats. Even if World War I had place on he's studies, it didn't got him away from his real passion. Through the years he became into a famous cat veterinarian but he didn't wanted to leave New York because if he did, who will look after his patients? But at the beginning not everything was pink colour.He had to start with all kind of animals because if you wanted to attend just one kind of animal it has to be a horse or a dog, cats didn't gave you money enough for your family. But finally I want to aclare that he was the first Doctor Cat! I mean -Cats only- 

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

what would I do if I were a famous person :3

When I was a cute little girl, my dream was become a superstar singer or a superstar actress and I wasn't thinking about money or fame,I thought "hey, I can sing pretty well, and I would like to act, I dont get embarrased very easily" (and you saw it last tuesday). But I grew up aand I'd realize that lots of people sing far better than me xD and that actresses and actors in Chile don´t earn to much money (and also they kiss lots of people D:)
So I really wouldn't like to be famous because that brings you fame and...NOPE...
Also brings you fortune, or just lots of money. If I had more money of what I could spend, I would become a poor person helping with donatives to animal protect foundations, for greenpeace and independent groups that protects nature and animals (like 4A).

He's the singer of the band Rage Against
Paul Walker making charity and volunteer work.

This is the live aid, and it was created by Bob Geldof ,a lot of bands supported him like Queen, Madonna, etc. This was to Earn money and feed the hungry people in Africa.

I would like to be like Paul Walker or Bob Geldof or the band Rise Against, because they make a message with actions, with events, with songs that open your eyes with what´s happening in the world right now.
I would feel Happy and good with myself because I Know that I'm doing something good for everyone.
If I were like that boxer, Mayweather...I really couldn't live with myself. A bentley car for your 15 year old kid? 80 pair of shoes? a solid gold Iphone? 24 luxury watchers? 8 cars and a private jet? REALLY?! 

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

I'm Libra, so, I can't decide just one favourite picture.

Well this is one of my favourite photos (and I have to decide the possible second from 5 more .-.). It was taken this year, in march in a ...weekend (can`t remember the date). This is a part of my Taekwondo team, as you can see there's people of all ages, for example the girl who's dressed in purple is 8 yearls old, and the boy who's hugging her is 20 years old, and booth practice Taekwondo. 
Not everyone is looking at the camera and some faces were hidden under a hand or an arm. But I like this photo because it's natural, spontaneous, funny, and it is saying "we`re having fun!". It was taken by a Rodrigo (Catalina's dad (the girl in the lower right corner of the picture, blue animal print pants)).
And this is the another one, there is my sister, afriend, my boyfriend and me. We were in Viña del Mar on Summer of 2013. I don't remember very well what did happen, but I think that a wave did turn all of us into the sea at time of throwing us to the beach. My uncle who lives there took the photo..OH I remember, it was late, almost 6:30 PM and we were leaving to the "beach house", so we took our last wave :3.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


(encontré donde se pone el título, yay!) My favourite animal and my pet

I would like to have a penguin as a pet, but as I CAN'T have one, I will write aboutpenguins and my pet: Blair.
Both haves two colors (white and black)
Both have my love
Both are very special for me.
Both are kind of silly sometimes.

Let's start with penguins: When I was younger, my dad gave me a dvd with the movie "The march of the penguins", and when I was ill, a few days later I saw it, and saw it again, and again, and again, I'd love it.
I don't know if it was the music or the beautiful landscapes, but I know thet I love penguins. And when I was even yooooooooounger, i walked as a penguin to make my sister laugh.
It's the way they walk, their colours, their impossible to make characteristic sound, THE WAY THEY WALK INTO THEIR TUMMIES
Ok, so, let's talk about my Cat:
Her name is Blair, She's 8 years old, an uncle brought her to my house on my 10th birthday, so, now that I have 18 she's 8.
This is the best way I can explain to you wht's a cow cat. Up here, there's a cow cat gamma, so, you could have seen a cow cat near from your house, in your kitchen or right now...
and Blair is the one that says "Cap-and-Saddle" with a few white spots in the black cap.
She's the most loving, purry (from purr), and chatty cat ever :3

 A few photos of her :3

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Today I'm going o write about something I don't like. Ok, it's true that technology make our lives easier, but when I think about it, I can't see like...a laptop in the middle of a forest, because I like nature and I feel that our lazyness is killing it (we create more electronic devices, that create pollution and kills nature).
However, I use technology everyday to study, to communicate with my friends, to show you things like this.
And Like the teacher's post, I prefeer, over all the technology I use, my Laptop (I could choose a refrigerator, or a stove because thanks to them my dishes taste better).
It was property of my dad, but he gave it to me, because I used it more than him...that was like four years ago, in 2011. It's not old but neither a super technology device.
I use it almost everyday, and if I don't use it, I'm working on another laptop that was ON before, so, i don't waste too much electric energy.
I use it to..almost everything: study, chat with my friends, get noticed about my subjects and scedule, play "Corazon de Melon" (I'ts a great game, play it girls ;D boys...ignore this), watch cat videos, mix songs in a program to make choreographies for Taekwondo dance, save pictures, read, bleh.
I like it because it is like my second brain, my other memory, it haves things that I have forgotten...THOOSE PICTURES THAT REVEALS YOUR PAST. If I haven't my laptop I would be sad what I've said Just before this. It's like a diary, it remember me what I have lived.
             "F**k yor internet, today you play with me!"
         that's my ct and my laptop.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Ok, this is my fist year on university and my first semester as well:
I have six subjects: zoology (animal diversity), chemistry (molecular biology or molecular bases), math (cuantification methods), indroduction to information manage, profesional orientation, and English.
Personally, I hate math, it's difficult to me understand it, and I argue with my brain when we don`t get it.
Zoology it's fun for me, even if they're a LOT of names of worms and their parts, I like it.
Chemistry is not very difficult for me, but when teachers go fast with the classes I get confused.
And the other two are like a cup of water for me, I just take them.
English it's fun for me, because we write on this blog and I like to write (nooo, seriously?).

I wish I don't fail in any of my subjects, and I will work hard to get it.
And about extracurricular activities...I'm not interested at least for this year. You'll see, I have another things aoutside of university and I have a lot of projects for that, so, I want to focus in that and don't squeeze my time.
I don`t want to be in he`s place, with water out up my neck.
Poor animal :c

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Well, this is my autobiography:

I was born in Barros Luco hospital, in 1996, and I almost killed my mom (don't worry, she's fine now) because her blood pressure was too high and doctors provided her medicine to take it normal, but her pressure went down and down and father was very scared.
Yesterday my mom told me that when I was born, my nose  didn`t exist, it was part of my forehead. That was when I scared my mom. don't worry (again) my nose appeared a few minutes later.

In the beach, with my sister and at the age of 1 year chasing a cat.
I went to Tomas Moro kindergarden and then to Santo Cura de Ars school, where I spent almost 15 years of my life. My sister went to the same school. I always was kind of different from the other kids, some of them said that I was watching a lot of television and cartoons, because my expressions and way to talk were very similar to the cartoon characters.
But I didn`t change, even if I never was comftable with big groups of persons, I was never afraid of stand up in front of a lot of known or unknown people.
Because of being different I was target of bullying, but when I sait "stop it", when I had real friends around me and supporting me, that ended.

Last day of school, with my classmates, almost all of them since 13 years. Im in the middle.
When I was younger, I was a trobule girl in the classroom, I didn`t focused with nothing but drawings and songs. With time I got more focused and until now my trobule area is math (my worst enemy). In highschool I worked hard to have good grades and win a scholarship for university. But at time, I have known Taekwondo.

STORYTIME: when bullying was almost dead for me, I met Karina and we talked the whole summer, she told me that most of her friends talked to her because of her brother, the one that I haven`t seen until then. Well, fact is that he was my first boyfriend later (and first kiss). So, Karina and him were practicing Taekwondo and invited me, but I was vegetarian and my parents didn`t allow me to go. Months later we broke up and after after after that I met Karina's cousin Felipe, which helped me with my feelings about his cousin and other things. And to see him more times in the week, and to be closer to Karina, I finally went to Taekwondo...that was 4 years ago.

Well, now Felipe is my boyfriend and our relationship is like a frindship mixed with love and dreams. I KNOW I'M CHEESY(cursi)

I love cats, my whole life has been surrounded by them and their "meows", but I love animals in general, I talk to them, I know they don`t understand my language but I`m sure that they understand the feelings, when someone is scared, sad, happy. When I was younger I was afraid of dog's barks, That`s a reason of why I preferred cats.

Back to Taekwondo, my team's name is Circulo de Quirón and there I've met beautiful people, with good hearts and brave spirit, kids and adults are ready to give everything to reach a mutual dream. There I've learned thar martial arts is not only about kicks and hits and flying kicks, it`s about grow your spirit, your mind, grow as a person, don't be just a human.
And one cares about my cartoon expressions :) I can be myself.

This is the best team ever.
Here is my sister, her boyfriend, me and Felipe hanging me.