jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Well, this is my autobiography:

I was born in Barros Luco hospital, in 1996, and I almost killed my mom (don't worry, she's fine now) because her blood pressure was too high and doctors provided her medicine to take it normal, but her pressure went down and down and down...my father was very scared.
Yesterday my mom told me that when I was born, my nose  didn`t exist, it was part of my forehead. That was when I scared my mom. don't worry (again) my nose appeared a few minutes later.

In the beach, with my sister and at the age of 1 year chasing a cat.
I went to Tomas Moro kindergarden and then to Santo Cura de Ars school, where I spent almost 15 years of my life. My sister went to the same school. I always was kind of different from the other kids, some of them said that I was watching a lot of television and cartoons, because my expressions and way to talk were very similar to the cartoon characters.
But I didn`t change, even if I never was comftable with big groups of persons, I was never afraid of stand up in front of a lot of known or unknown people.
Because of being different I was target of bullying, but when I sait "stop it", when I had real friends around me and supporting me, that ended.

Last day of school, with my classmates, almost all of them since 13 years. Im in the middle.
When I was younger, I was a trobule girl in the classroom, I didn`t focused with nothing but drawings and songs. With time I got more focused and until now my trobule area is math (my worst enemy). In highschool I worked hard to have good grades and win a scholarship for university. But at time, I have known Taekwondo.

STORYTIME: when bullying was almost dead for me, I met Karina and we talked the whole summer, she told me that most of her friends talked to her because of her brother, the one that I haven`t seen until then. Well, fact is that he was my first boyfriend later (and first kiss). So, Karina and him were practicing Taekwondo and invited me, but I was vegetarian and my parents didn`t allow me to go. Months later we broke up and after after after that I met Karina's cousin Felipe, which helped me with my feelings about his cousin and other things. And to see him more times in the week, and to be closer to Karina, I finally went to Taekwondo...that was 4 years ago.

Well, now Felipe is my boyfriend and our relationship is like a frindship mixed with love and dreams. I KNOW I'M CHEESY(cursi)

I love cats, my whole life has been surrounded by them and their "meows", but I love animals in general, I talk to them, I know they don`t understand my language but I`m sure that they understand the feelings, when someone is scared, sad, happy. When I was younger I was afraid of dog's barks, That`s a reason of why I preferred cats.

Back to Taekwondo, my team's name is Circulo de Quirón and there I've met beautiful people, with good hearts and brave spirit, kids and adults are ready to give everything to reach a mutual dream. There I've learned thar martial arts is not only about kicks and hits and flying kicks, it`s about grow your spirit, your mind, grow as a person, don't be just a human.
And there...no one cares about my cartoon expressions :) I can be myself.

This is the best team ever.
Here is my sister, her boyfriend, me and Felipe hanging me.